I have been feeling the need to do some nesting lately. This has manifested in the way I do my house cleaning, and in baking projects. So when I stopped by the drug store a few evenings ago and saw these in the clearance section, I had to bring them all home. Especially since they were only 99¢ each!
But instead of using the cookbooks, I decided to bake a family favorite last night - Gingersnaps.
My own personal indulgence, however, was not cookies.
I LOVE Greek food.
So today's baking project featured one of my favorites: Spanikopita (otherwise known as spinach pie).
So today's baking project featured one of my favorites: Spanikopita (otherwise known as spinach pie).
All of this doesn't mean that I've been ignoring my fiber projects. I have two bobbins of superwash merino singles ready to be plied, and a bobbin of alpaca singles for Navajo plying.

Since both are birthday gifts, and a teensy bit late, I'm hurrying to get them finished and delivered to my friends. I hope they enjoy them. I've had fun working on them, spinning a bit thicker than I usually do. I'd heard from Bams on The High Fiber Diet podcast (sorry, I don't remember which episode) that it's a good idea to vary the thickness of your yarn or you may forget how to work with other thicknesses. Good advice, indeed, as I did struggle some with making the adjustment. Well worth it though.
I've also made quite a bit of progress on my Lines 'N Vines Cardigan from the Fall 2008 issue of Knitters Magazine (it's the cover sweater).

So, that's what's been happening with me. What's been happening with you?