We don't normally spend much time at parades or community events, mostly because I hate large crowds. This year, however, I decided to stop being such a Scrooge and took Jay to the Christmas parade. The ceremonies start with the lighting of the city Christmas tree, and then, when it's dark, the brightly lit floats start down the parade route. Of course, I forgot to bring my camera, but as the parade was almost over, I remembered the camera on my phone. The picture quality isn't great, but you'll get the idea. And you know, we both had a good time.

All of these pictures are of emergency vehicles, some from our city, some from the small towns nearby.

In addition to all the lights, they had displays that included Christmas trees or typical Christmas vignettes.

Most of the floats and vehicles had people walking alongside them, some were handing out little items.

One of the churches was handing out glow sticks, which Jay was kind enough to display for me.

Just out of sight to the right we had several EMT's doing a demonstration of some sort. It was hard to tell exactly what was going on, as they were surrounding an empty gurney, but mabye it was just the angle I was viewing it from.

This truck had signs on the sides reminding us of the things we need to do to have a safe and fire-free holiday, like keeping our Christmas trees watered.

It was pulling this float that shows what happens when one fails to follow the safety guidelines. Though it's difficult to see clearly, the little house on the float is on "fire".

Finally, along came Santa! His appearance was greeted with cheers and applause, then the mad rush to be the first to our vehicles began. We made good our escape, then stopped and picked up dinner. And maybe we'll try it again next year, too.