Thursday, February 2, 2012

Darning a Sock

I had knit a pair of Jenny Socks out of Crystal Palace Yarns Panda Silk yarn. This yarn is beautiful. It is so soft, and has such lovely drape and luster.

It is not, however, a good selection for socks. The very things that make it lovely to work with, make for socks that will not stand up well to wear. And so, I ended up with a hole on the heel of one of the socks.
Rather than deal with this as I usually due (throwing it away), I decided since I have a darning egg, it was time I used it.
I gathered together the supplies I was going to need: the holey sock, left over yarn, scissors, a tapestry needle, and the aforementioned darning egg.
I turned the sock inside out, and slid the darning egg inside. I positioned it so the rounded edge was centered under the hole.
I cut off a length of yarn (I think it was about 1 1/2-2 ft.), threaded it through the tapestry needle, and began weaving it through the sock. I started both below and after the place where the yarn was broken, and, working from right to left, wove the yarn in using duplicate stitch.
When I reached the hole, I left loops for the stitches that were dropped when the yarn broke. My plan being to basically re-knit this section with the tapestry needle as I was weaving the yarn through to strengthen the area.
I continued doing this process, row by row, working the loops as I came to them,
until the hole was securely closed up. Then I turned the sock right side out to see how it looked.
It's clear that the fix wasn't perfect, but I prefer this look to the usual (and highly visible) method of darning, which entails weaving a patch across the hole.
The repair is not very noticeable when the sock is on, and would be even less visible inside a shoe.

Considering the delicate nature of this yarn, however, I think I'll keep them completely out of shoes and make them house or bed socks.

For any future repairs, I will consult one of these videos first so that my repair truly does end up invisible.

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