Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Swap the Seasons, April Edition (okay, it's May, but let's pretend, hmm..)

As I mentioned before, I'm participating in the Swap the Seasons Swap being hosted by CoggieTM of the High Fiber Diet Podcast.

Since it's a secret swap, we don't know who is swapping to us, and my swap partner is very clever.

She created an identity for the swap: Ima Sekret, complete with fake profile.  She also sent her first package directly from the vendor, so I have no idea where she's at.

But on April 19, when I opened my mailbox, there was a package.  And when I opened the box, this is what I saw:

When I saw that the return address was for Wee Ones, I got VERY excited.  You see, I've admired the stitch markers they make for so long now, but had a hard time indulging myself.  The selection she made was PERFECT!

Four adorable Boxer stitch markers!  They are so cute -- even having little paws painted on the bottom!  I am so grateful to Ima Sekret for these lovely stitch markers, and for the thought and effort she put into making such a perfect choice.

Thank you so much!

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